Seattle Soda

What Seattle Soda is like:

Introducing Seattle Soda – a captivating concoction that weaves the enchanting genetics of UW Purple and Sodalicious into one spectacular strain. Bursting with 28% THC and 1% CBG, this alluring hybrid is the ultimate treat for both medical marvels and adventurous herb enthusiasts alike. Our clients rave about the spellbinding blend of focus, energy, and chatterbox charm that Seattle Soda casts upon them. Need a remedy for fatigue, depression, or queasiness? Seattle Soda is the wizard you’ve been seeking!

Created by the plant potion masters at Superseed Company, one whiff of Seattle Soda’s intoxicating fusion of grape, tar, and tobacco flavors will have you begging for more. Bask in the fragrant glory of its dominant terpene, pinene. But alas, the mystery of its average price remains unknown! So, emboldened by your experience, why not leave us a spellbinding strain review, sharing your mystic encounter with Seattle Soda?

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Strain details

Thc: 28%
Cbd: 0%
Cbg: 1%
Pripary Terpene: Pinene